E-commerce Trend in 2022

E-commerce Trend in 2022

Needless to say, the year 2022 did not go as planned. On every level, the pandemic had an impact on us.

COVID-19- It squeezed a decade of E-commerce growth into a single year, it dramatically accelerated tendencies that we were already experiencing. Home bound shoppers changed their buying patterns significantly, forcing millions of firms to expand their existing E-commerce channels or go online for the very first time.

Have you ever wished to press the pause button on the E-commerce industry? I think it’s a big no. as we all know that E-commerce is a steady-rise industry.

The year is 2022, and there has never been a better time to start making money online! It’s useless to drive to work, “9-5 jobs” are soul-sucking and wearing pants every day seems senseless. After all it’s cold in Canada and we have access to the internet, so why go outside? Also Canadians, who are among the world’s most frequent Internet users, have embraced electronic commerce in the face of a severe disruption in retail outlets. In 2022, there have been around 27 million E-commerce users in Canada, accounting for 72.5 percent of the population, with that number expected to rise to 77.6% in 2025.

In today’s era, everyone wants to make extra money or build a home-based business are boundless.

Here is the best E-commerce website builder, in our opinion:

1) Shopify – Best E-Commerce Platform

Shopify gives you everything you need to start an E-commerce business. When you start selling online, you’ll need to set up a storefront, promote products, interact with consumers, process payments, and more. Shopify has all of the tools you’ll need to keep track of each of these tasks. Consider shopify’s platform as a facilitator that streamlines the process of selling things online.

2) Wix

Wix is a widely used web platform for non-tech entrepreneurs who want to start a business online. It is a free, User-friendly website building blog. Normally, hiring a professional programmer to build and maintain a website would cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. Wix was created with the goal of allowing anyone with a computer to create their own website for free. It contains various inbuilt tools which help you to build a website from scratch.

3) Magento                    

Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the United States. Magento is used by around 200,000 websites, and yours may be one among them. The open-source platform, which is integrated with sophisticated marketing, catalog-management tools, and SEO friendliness, covers all of your business’s demands, including promotions, hassle-free shipping, merchandising, and payments.

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